Travailler chez Sky Médias & Édition Allemagne Vérifié

Travailler chez Sky Médias & Édition Allemagne Vérifié

Découvre ton match avec Sky

La compatibilité avec la culture d'entreprise est un élément important du processus de recrutement. On est plus épanoui, plus productif et on accomplit bien plus de choses quand on travaille pour une entreprise ayant les mêmes valeurs et ambitions. Es-tu compatible avec Sky ?

Notre culture

At Sky Deutschland we are innovative, dynamic, unconventional and passionate. We appreciate the relaxed atmosphere, individual freedom and being part of something that makes millions happy, although this can be hard work. There is no dress code, personal growth is crucial and diversity is at the core of our product and our company. We believe in having a high performance culture, working together closely, and are constantly challenging the status quo in order to make people smile. If you can identify yourself with these values, are hungry for new opportunities, eager to shape the future of entertainment and willing to take responsibility – we might have “the role of your life” for you!

Ce que nous faisons

We are the leading pay-TV provider in Germany and Austria and part of Sky plc, Europe’s leading entertainment group. We offer exclusive high-quality content, cutting-edge innovations and outstanding customer service and in doing so, we managed to become one of the fastest growing media companies in the market. Sky is a product for the entire family with a program portfolio including live sports, feature films, premium series, children's programs, shows and documentaries. Apart from products and services directly related with our product on screen we also have a high demand for other professions and profiles within our team such as Finance, Supply Chain, CRM, Sales, IT or Technology.

Travailler chez Sky

Découvre dès aujourd'hui de passionnantes opportunités de carrière chez Sky. Viens faire partie de l'histoire unique que Sky est en train d'écrire dans le paysage de Médias & Édition.
