Travailler chez quintly Internet et Informatique Allemagne Vérifié

Travailler chez quintly Internet et Informatique Allemagne Vérifié

Découvre ton match avec quintly

La compatibilité avec la culture d'entreprise est un élément important du processus de recrutement. On est plus épanoui, plus productif et on accomplit bien plus de choses quand on travaille pour une entreprise ayant les mêmes valeurs et ambitions. Es-tu compatible avec quintly ?

Notre culture

For us at quintly, our company culture is a major focus when it comes to recruiting as well as any other kind of communication within and outside of the company. We created our eleven cultural values based on the results of a survey with the whole team. The questions addressed every team member's feelings and impressions about our daily working culture. With this organic origin we strive to further enhance our team with passionate individuals that strongly agree with our value set and will enjoy working in such an atmosphere. Therefore in every job interview we let candidates know that at quintly... ... we are authentic. ... we meet each other at eye level. ... we are open for any sort of change. ... passion drives us in our daily challenges. ... we plan our schedules based on a fair balance between work and life. ... we want to improve ourselves and each other in order to become best-in-class together. Also internationality characterizes us. English is our working language, hence we welcome employees from all over the world. Our team currently consists of 14 nationalities working from Germany, the US and Brazil and serving users from over 180 countries.

Travailler chez quintly

Découvre dès aujourd'hui de passionnantes opportunités de carrière chez quintly. Viens faire partie de l'histoire unique que quintly est en train d'écrire dans le paysage de Internet et Informatique.
